Safe and sound in July…..

July 1, who would have thought it could come so quickly? I didn’t celebrate it though. I spent most of the day going to and from Ohio State to pick up the lacrosse team from camp. They had a great time, and I was hoping they were tired, but they managed to sing about every song they knew for half of the trip home. Of course that makes me tired, but I suppose that is worth it to get them all home safe and sound.

I can now look forward to concentrating on work and home. I have a cardiologist appointment tomorrow to decide what to do about the hole they found in my heart last year during “stroke week.” It unnerves me a bit to just know it is there, but as I tell Amanda, at least we can be thankful they found a heart! Gosh, I am still funny despite spending the day with teenage girls who think I am ancient and out of touch!

Anyway it is bed for me and the hope of a great day tomorrow. Keep me in your prayers. I am hoping to escape unscathed!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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