We been feeling a little tents…….

I had just about $40.00 left over from my birthday and tonight I decided to do something with about 30 of it. When Amanda went to the exercise class at the Church tonight, Ben and I took off for Walmart where I bought the modern version of a pup tent and of course the Lightening McQueen flashlight.

You might think that this was a gift for Ben, but in truth Scott and Ben love to hang out playing. Ben used to have a kid’s SpongeBob tent that they destroyed in a day. This is a tent that will fare a little bit better I hope. I am sure they will camp out (inside of course) and do the movie thing together.

Scott however is not home….just Ben and I. So I need to get back to “camping.” I hope you understand. Two year olds are pretty impatient.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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