Waiting in hopeful anticipation……..

Yes, tonight’s pictures are intentional.  The first one is of Amanda (and Ben although he is still in her stomach) waiting to check into the hospital to deliver.  The second is of our entire family leaving the hospital (photo credit copyright Carol Mongold 2007 DO NOT MESS WITH HER SHE IS MY MOTHER IN LAW).

But I needed to both find them and post them as I was here ALL DAY waiting for EVERDRY, who was to be here around 2, but who I called to find out that their truck had broken and that they could not be here until tomorrow……..of course the truck broke down the night before (supposedly) and no one could call me to let me know I need not hang out all damn day.

But while I was waiting I got a lot done.  I fertilized the entire lawn, I laid brick in three basement window wells, and I actually burned ALL the fallen limbs and branches in the yard.  My PREFERENCE however was to see them here and to get this done.  Tomorrow is IT.  I was not available tomorrow as it is the awards program at Ben’s school and he is getting an award…..so if they do not show tomorrow I will personally drive up there and parade back and forth with a sign at their entrance.  I am done messing around.  It is fixed tomorrow and it will be on my terms.

So picture one is of waiting……and picture two is of resolution.  As you may be able to tell I am pretty damn stressed.  I do not like dishonest people and I rarely deal with them.  But I will get this done and deal with their dishonesty after I get my house back.  Enjoy the pictures…..

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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