On being hip, cool, and one of the homie dawgs man…….

I am trying as best as I can to enter the “electronic age.” I have this blog which has just surpassed 420 entries. I am on Facebook under my name Tom Tirman. AND, I even have a Twitter account which is “frtomtirman.” It seems I have everything going on to be considered “hip,” that is of course, other than the language.

What bothers me about all of this is that at one time I was really and actually cool. Of course being cool in the Dark Ages these days apparently does not count. Steph and Scott laugh at how very out of touch I am, and to be honest I feel often like I am adrift in a sea that is more unfamiliar than I would care to admit! Am I cool for almost 50? Well probably as much as 50 year olds can be cool. But I am not holding out any hopes of an invitation to the VH1 awards this year! I am still a big fan of the 70’s.

But regardless, I am doing my best to be relevant to the culture. Lord knows I try. My 30th high school reunion is this weekend, and at least there I have the expectation of support. I still think I am pretty cool. And there is nothing like gathering with a large group of equally delusional old people to set one’s mind at rest!

Thank God for all my classmates!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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