A confession…..

Forgive me Father, it has been quite a few days since my last blog! Dear Lord, I cannot believe how very forgetful I get at times! I know I have been busy, but you would think that things I do every day I could remember….apparently not! Maybe today will help get me on the right path!

Today we prayed a parishioner from our Nashville Mission, Bob Nixon, into eternal life. Bob is a great guy, married to his wife Nancy for 59 years, but the 5-bypass surgery he had just a few days ago was too much for him to handle. Bo entered into eternal life this afternoon. Please keep Nancy and their family in your prayers.

As for me, I am just trying to catch up. It is almost 11;30, and I think I have done about all I can do for today. I will try and make sure I post tomorrow!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in!


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