Working my way back to you……..

In an effort to get back on track, I have decided to post a bit earlier this evening. It has become apparent to me that my life is managed best in the midst of routines, but the reality of my life is that routines for extended periods of time are but fantasies. The blessing of these last few weeks has been that is has provided me with the environments in which to stretch myself. In truth, though I am struggling with a few things, in others I am excelling! Even my staff has said that I am doing far better than expected in the circumstances.

Tomorrow I will lead a Confirmation class at one of our missions for anyone looking to be Confirmed next week by Bishop Ames. (Parishioners from all our missions were invited to attend) I have led quite a few of them over the course of my career, but in these changing times the question is what will that class look like this time? It is from 11-2 and we did not have a sign-up for the class, so I am not sure who will be there, but I will be! From there I have a little bit of work to do in Kokomo and then a sermon to write for Sunday.

The blessing is that I love what I do. I know it can get trying at times, and I certainly know that my little “handicap” makes each day a challenge, but all and all, I couldn’t be in a better place.

So it is off, not to bed, but to do a bit of work……but at least this is checked off. Be patient with me. My wife will tell you that I am ALWAYS a work in progress. For now however, I am ahead!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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