Giving up the hope….YEE HA!

Well the hopes of Ben going back to daycare this week are now gone. We are just too busy to risk the flu here at all. So tonight I made the decision that Ben would be my assistant the rest of the week. AND….since our sitter is on vacation MTW of next week, it appears he will be hanging with me for quite some time.

No, he is certainly not my “Mini-me.” He is far more that for his brother than I. But he loves working with me. We cannot go into hospitals or anything like that. But he can go do meetings and lunch and the the churches (since they all have nurseries!) He actually LOVES hanging out. He loves the guys I work with. And he certainly LOVES the eating part too.

With that however, I am off to get a few things done. I hope to be blogging more tomorrow about things other than little Ben and I’s troubles and travels. We will see! I am just happy I am able to hang with him. I am looking forward to the next few days!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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