The Blessed Trip……

Today Ben and Kayla and their grandma went on a 4 day trip.  They originally were scheduled to go to Springfield, Illinois and visit all the Abraham Lincoln sites, but there was a change in plans and they have headed to Indianapolis instead.  Yes, downtown is just an hour away from here, but they are hoteling it, and apparently after this first day, having a great time.

Of course Ben did lie to me right before he left and drooped his eyes as he said “I’ll miss you.”  That act was confirmed by the fact that he hopped right into his grandmother’s car smiling and then didn’t call us once the whole day or night.  Yes, he is deeply concerned for us and misses us terribly.

Day one probably seemed pretty boring to his as his grandma kept texting Amanda pictures of his LOVING the museum and the pool and eating out and all.  Plus, he and Kayla are pretty tight.  All his other cousins are older, but Kayla and Logan and Ben are all in a pack.  And if you are insane enough to want to take a trip like this, I suppose Ben and Kayla would be pretty good companions.  Plus, my mother-in-law is a retired librarian and getting the kids down there to share in some of her passions is really right in her wheelhouse.

But the house is pretty empty.  It’s a good thing too.  The carpet installers will be here in the morning so when everyone returns Thursday, including STEPH, we should have everything back in shape……..hopefully.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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