Da Bears, Da Irish, and Da Cubs…..

Dear Lord, could I have chosen any teams harder to follow in my life? Tonight my beloved Chicago Bears lost. Yesterday the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame bit the dust (again). And I understand that the Chicago Cubs have already lost next season without even playing a game! It wouldn’t be so bad for me if I were just a fair-weather fan, but I have been a fan of all these teams since before birth. It is no surprise I suppose that I have had a stroke. What really does surprise me is that I haven’t blown up anything!

Of course I am the eternal optimist. I do believe that the future is always brighter, but to get there I know I have to give up the fact that I felt those same feelings last year about my teams. I just wish things could be different.

But for now I will drown my sorrows in anything that does not contain Ginko-Bolova. I just do not need my memory. It has been a bad weekend for my teams! I feel like I live in Cleveland!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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