Enough is enough……..

Okay, no more excuses…..Thanksgiving is over and I waited for it. My daughter’s 18th birthday is next week, and I just need to say no to the cake. It is best she has me to walk her down the aisle than to just eat cake with her next week.

Yep, my weight is back up higher than it ever has been, and to be honest I cannot stand it. And although I have blogged about it before, I really need to stop talking and start doing. I am so very disciplined in other areas of my life, but clearly my eating is not one of them. So I am committing myself to changing all that tonight. No more excuses. I am heading in a new direction.

As for you, I would ask that you pray for me. I did great a couple of years ago, losing 45 pounds, but of course then I HAD a stroke, and I know that hasn’t been helpful to say the least. Clearly being in great shape and having the biggest medical problem of my life was disheartening. But as they say where I come from, “you cannot cry over spilled milk.” I had a stroke….big whoop tee do. It doesn’t change today or tomorrow, although I do believe another, or a heart attack, or even dying would. I am a doctor, but the wrong kind to know, so I will just trust my gut on this one….things need to change.

I know the road ahead will be a difficult one, but where it heads is far better than my well-worn path. But I am committed. Pray and encourage me. I want to see my life change as I move ahead!

Thanks for checking in, and thanks for your support in advance…..Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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