What a day!

Though I am clearly on the mend, occasionally my damaged brain catches up with me, and today was such a day. I was the Celebrant at a gathering of The Order of St. Luke this afternoon in Indianapolis. I was to do a sermon, celebrate the Eucharist, and then give a short teaching at the lunch that followed. And as that old Meatloaf song goes…..”two out of three ain’t bad!”

I am sure recovering from strep had a bit to do with it, but after getting through the sermon with that finish line in sight, I found myself lost and talking in circles much of the time. Deacon Dan, our eternal optimist, said it was not all that bad….but I bet I probably could have made more sense speaking Russian….and I don’t know a word of it!

Ironically, the topic I chose for my teaching was the idea of making sure you are healthy (in all aspects – mentally, physically, spiritually) as a foundation to your ministry of healing. If I were a more persuasive teacher I suppose I would have told myself “you have strep throat and are exhausted….maybe you should stay in bed.” But the truth is I live in a house where no one listens to me anyway, so I though, “why should I?” And the rest of course is history.

But the good news is that my day is done, and in a few short minutes I will be resting in my bed! It has been a doozy though. I hope to have a better time of things tomorrow.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in.


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