Some Father’s Day Observations…………..

Well I wish I could report that all is well, but it is not.  At least however I have had a great Father’s Day, sans two of three children, though they all called.  And today is Scotty’s 20th birthday, which means I am (temporarily) out of the business of raising teenagers.  So it has been a good day all around.

I am STILL however restoring the computer and I am STILL frustrated as all get out with my phone.  But today I will not let it be an issue.  The kids got me a nice chair and table for the balcony off my office (in which I am sitting while typing this), a Notre Dame jersey, AND Ben (with his mom, grandma, and cousin) took me out to dinner.  It was a really great time.

Tonight’s picture however reflects clear and certain evidence as to why although these gifts were wonderful, they clearly are not enough.  Ben, the youngest, is indeed posing with a cut out picture of me with his finger up my nose.  It clearly shows the quality of DNA I am constantly dealing with, and that DNA is also MINE.  He cracks himself up, like all my kids do (to themselves) and to be honest, they are all genuinely funny.   And ultimately it is what makes being me worth it…..knowing that I am leaving that kind of twisted mark on the world!

So I HOPE to be back to regular posting soon, but then again I am still sorting through all the files I need for my WORK.  It doesn’t help that I will be 40 on Wednesday either.

But what does help is this chair and my kids.  Not to be a braggart, but  I have lived a life of great academic and professional accomplishment.  None of it however means a thing compared to my children.  I know Father’s Day is really about them, but in all honesty I couldn’t be prouder of them.  And no achievement
, no award, no title, nor anything else will be able to take away that as my very greatest work.  I am a man, a father, who is truly blessed.

Thanks Stephy, Scotty, and Ben!  I love you!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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