Of secondary definitions…….

I spent much of the morning at Christ the King leading, with Deacon Tony, a workshop for Altar Guild, Chalice Bearing, and Lay Eucharistic Visitors. It went very well, even if Tony and I did lead it, and I was pleased to put it behind us. These are needed ministries and we were able to train some pretty dedicated people.

I now am at the end of the day, and everything is done for tomorrow. I love productive days and this one was a good one. I did miss one thing……the wreaths I put up on the house seem to flicker like the sign a a cheap roadside cafe. I suppose I will be fixing those tomorrow! I just do not have it in me today.

For those of you wondering about my diet, I am down a few pounds and am pretty happy about it. It is hard considering that “Advent,” in the original language was defined incorrectly….it should be defined as “food is everywhere, and most of it treats.” I am trying to keep my mind on the idea that although Jesus loves me, He probably would love me to be quite a few pounds lighter. I am sure there are Christmas cookies in heaven (the kind that my grandma makes) and I am sure they are calorie free there (and for eternity). I just am trying to avoid them here. Keep praying for me.

Anyway, it is off to bed! Time to dream my way into the next day……perhaps I’ll dream of those cookies, after all they are calorie free in my dreams as well!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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