Complaint Department……

Yes, this picture is of Ben, shortly (and I mean VERY SHORTLY) after he had come into my office to complain that his bedtime was just too early and that he was NOT TIRED.  He was told to go to bed anyway, and my guilt led me to go in to talk with him a few minutes later…….this is what I found.

But in his defense, he had a hard day.  He and Kayla have worn each other out, and how their grandma  (my mother-in-law) keeps up with them both at her advanced age (she can’t be even 40 yet, and looks even younger) (this is not my first rodeo).  I had a couple of appointments in Indianapolis yesterday and met them all at “Build a Bear” where the kids both made their own teddy bears.  It should be no surprise that Ben’s is of Ironman, and you can also see him in the picture (sleeping too, as Ironbear was not tired either).

In between all of the events of the day however I was able to make some progress on my computer.  I have seen a lot of articles lately that mention that a degree in Religion is worthless, although mine has served me well.  What I now regret is my dropping the other degree program as soon as I was approved for seminary (in the Dark Ages)……it was Computer Science.

Of course now I am too stubborn to give up on fixing this myself, and when I say that I really mean I am too cheap to pa
y an expert, you know, someone with a Computer Science degree (who however most likely does NOT have any Religion degrees).  So I will make my way through this alone.

But I am making progress.  Yet the biggest progress I intend to make is to join Ben and Ironbear in snoozyland.  Unlike them though, I AM tired………I need to file a complaint.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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