Launch Lunch and LAX Facts……..

Today Deacon Conley and I met with a group of students we will be launching a Fellowship with in January. It was a great time, and a great lunch! Afternoons like that are hard to beat.

But my day finished with the call out meeting for the high school lacrosse team of which I am the Head Coach. We were missing quite a few of our veterans, but all our captains and a great mix of all the classes joined the many new girls who came to sign up for the team. We have a great group of girls and it is truly a blessing to be able to coach them. The President of the Board came and opened the meeting, and it was a very successful night. I am so very thankful for all of it.

I am now home and beat. Amanda is off work tomorrow, and I am not even sure what is on my schedule other than trash day! (I am certain there is more!) But for now I will just thank the good Lord for getting me through the day! It has been a long one and I am beat. It is off to bed I go!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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