The politeness of a two year old gentleman……

Ben, Scott, and I began our day this morning at St. Matthew’s Nashville. We occasionally take this trip together, and generally have a great time. Often we head from there to another stop, either another service or visit, and today was no exception. Today we headed home via downtown Indianapolis so that I could visit one of our parishioners from St. Anne’s who is a patient at the Indiana University Medical Center.

The IU Med Center is a huge place, and we started by heading from the parking garage into the lobby. I got the room number and walked Scott and Ben up to the train. There is a train that runs non-stop between the Med Center/Riley Children’s Hospital and Methodist Hospital a few miles north. It gives a great view of the city and they were going to ride it while I was on my call. They actually rode it three full times, and Ben had a blast, but that is not the best part of the trip.

When we got back to the desk in the lobby, the same fella ho gave me the room number was still there at the desk, but it was Ben who was the observant one, not Scott or I. As I was holding Ben as the man validated my parking pass, Ben said to him, “Hi Santa Claus.” And Holy Smokes, he was right! The man was a dead ringer for Santa! It cracked us up. And he said to Ben, “Be sure you leave me some cookies.” Ad as we walked away Ben said, “Bye bye Santa Claus.” it was pretty cute.

Ben had a great adventure today, and I was happy for him. He is a real trooper and he and Scotty made doing my ministry a lot more meaningful today.

My mind was taken back a few years ago when Stephanie and Scott went with me to deliver Last Rites to a wonderful priest friend of mine at Community North Hospital in Indianapolis. I left them in the waiting room as I went back to his room, they stayed with Bill’s two boys and talked…..Bill was well into his 90’s and his boys had at least ten years on me. But they all shared stories with each other of the adventures of being priest’s kids. You see they too had a life of the same type of experiences with their dad. It was a fraternity that they only could understand, yet one that provided a joy and connection that meant a lot to all of them.

Someday I imagine the story will be told of meeting Santa and riding the train on a cold day in December while supporting their dear old dad. The train, Santa, and a great story……..I am blessed to have been a part of their day.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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