Today has been an exceptionally important day for me.

First of all, I am happy to report that my computer issues seem to be a thing I can put behind me.  I have backed up copies of all the images and files that can be recovered and as I go through them, I will sort them out.  I hope to pare the whole thing down to do a “real” backup in about a month.  But for now I have two copies of EVERYTHING, including duplicates, backing up every day.

Two, although the files are still in quite a bit of disarray, I will certainly be able to pull enough together to get things in my job going in the right direction.  I have a lot to look after, and even with a good mind I would be hard pressed to remember it all.  The men and women in the Order of St. Michael however are an understanding and forgiving bunch.  I hope to have all this too settled within a few weeks.

But THREE and most importantly are the personal changes I am going through.  Steph is now HOME for the summer, perhaps her last here, but at least she is home.  And I am blessed that she is here as I will begin a BIG life change tomorrow as my medicines now have all been changed and increased (to their maximums) and it will be a full and concentrated effort to create, not a new life, but to regain my old life.  I intend to go down 40 more pounds and I NEED TO if I intend to live a long life free of the diabetes that runs in my family.  (my mom and her dad both had it)  The stroke has destroyed my metabolism (see my “I remember the truth” post 7 posts back to see and read the story) BUT enough is enough.  I AM IN THAT VIDEO, and the stroke has robbed me of that body and life.  Yet today I am declaring that to be but a temporary thing.  My metabolism may be gone, bootcamp may be gone, and my blood work for the first time in my life may be indicating a bad direction……..BUT I AM THAT GUY.  Underneath this stupid “husky” frame, is an athlete and a winner.  It is a race I promise I will not lose.

Depression from the stroke did not help.  The medicines I was taking did not either.  But after 30 years of working like crazy to not become diabetic like my mom and grandpa, I am testing close.  If it happens at 180 then I need to live with it (and it may), but if it happens at 220, shame on me!  I started this journey down at 265.  Tomorrow I begin to eat like a diabetic and I am going back to exercising like I was still in training.

I ask that you pray for me to do well.  I will not be going out to eat with my family for two weeks, and I have asked my wife to be on me like a hawk.  (no, not tearing my carcass with her beak, but to call me out when I look weak.)  In all honesty, my best coaches beat the hell out of me, and I hated it, but it was THE MODEL for me.  That’s part of why I wanted to enlist in the Marine Corps.  (I didn’t).  But pray for her too, as she is pretty nervous about this role.  I am a pretty tough guy and a hard sell….particularly when I am upset.  And these 40 will make being upset, most likely, a constant occurrence 

I will however, win.  Tonight’s picture is less than 8 months before my stroke…..185.  I will be better than this I swear. (and yes, that is Ben with me)

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Tommy+ (starting the hard 40 at 220)…I was 222 this morning.

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