Finally, the day arrives……….

This picture represents his freedom. Yep, six months ago Scott acquired his driver’s license on the very day he could. I have spoken about it before, particularly because it changed my life. I no longer had him driving me around everywhere, but I also did not need to drive him to practice, games, or anything else.

Why is today special? Well in Indiana it is the LAST day he is required to drive passengers with parental supervision. Here, for six months, he can drive anyone as long as a parent sits in the front passenger seat. Today is his last day, tomorrow he can drive anyone.

What makes this a big thing is WHO he wants to drive………and that is Ben. I am certain if he could have talked Amanda into it he would have horsed a carseat in his car and headed somewhere at midnight (Ben would have gone!), but it there is always tomorrow. I am sure Ben will now become the best traveled little brother in the world as the “twins” head out on many an adventure together!

So goodbye restrictions! Tomorrow will be a big day. The five of us intend to see my grandma and then who knows what the boys will do. It is going to be fun to see. They are pretty tight, and Ben loves to talk Scotty into just about anything. I just need to make sure Scotty doesn’t let Ben do the driving!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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