And He caused it to rain upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights…..or at least from Ohio to Tennessee

I am writing this at about 7:15pm from my BED in the hotel in Tennessee. We are in a town called Athens, and it has been a wonderful day. The people all have been wonderful and the college and team look very promising. The girls are staying overnight on campus, but I am glad the day is done. I am exhausted.

There is a Bible story that I was reminded of today and that is NOAH’S ARK! It was cold but dry as we left Indiana, but the very second we got to Ohio the skies opened up and it did not stop till we arrived. I kept looking for an ark somewhere, and I am certain we must have passed it, but it must have been out of our field of vision since we could only see about 50 feet most of the trip. (Thank God Steph had that bird in her overnight bag to go out and look for land!) But just as the coach promised, it is always nice when they have a recruiting visit….and it was. We had our umbrellas out for about a block and then it turned sunny and nice……just like where I am from, Mishawaka, Indiana where it is always sunny and 75! (If you can look past the snow and cold weather).

Anyway, we will leave for home in the late morning, and it’s a good thing too because Scott has a game tomorrow night in Carmel at 10:50. And yes, I intend to make it. As the women’s coach I rarely get to see Scott play during the regular season, so the indoor games are pretty important to me.

So pray for safe travel and the successful end to our journey…..and no bad weather! We really are driving a car home and not a boat. And we would appreciate all the help we can get!

Felisha Rashad, Arrrrrggggh, and cast off…..of whatever those pirates say.

Goodnight my friends and God bless.


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