No no, not here!

Yep, I cannot believe it. I offered to drive to the restaurant for a gathering of clergy and my car was positively, absolutely DEAD, and dead in Greensboro, North Carolina. And being fairly mechanical, I was soon able to assess the problem. Some idiot left the lights on, and that is despite not driving it at night AND despite a warning alarm on the car. Being here on this trip by myself it also come to me (after not a lot of thought) that the idiot was me.

Fortunately there was another vehicle and even more fortunately, after the dinner, that same vehicle had jumper cables. And for that I was very thankful. AND, let’s all thank God I am not a surgeon! When the nurse would say, “what’s that beeping and doesn’t it mean something,” I’d apparently say, “what beeping?” I have failed hearing tests and been told I would benefit by getting a couple of hearing aids, but I really do think I do fine. My wife would disagree, as apparently does my car, but in my mind, jumper cables are like 20 bucks…….that is sure a lot more affordable than the hearing aids. Plus the cables would be a lot harder to lose…..even for me.

Anyway, my night has included a roughly 20 mile drive to charge up my battery, and though it now works, my personal battery is low… it is off to bed I go. Hopefully tomorrow I will have a better day. I have already prayed that I will be idiot-free.

Goodnight my friends ad God Bless.

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