The approach of what they call a “big snow”…. (227)

I suppose I should be more worried, but I am not at the grocery stocking up. A winter storm “warning” has been issued for our area with the prediction of 4-8 inches of snow. Of course growing up in the “lake effect” snow of the northern part of the state, even 8 inches just seems like winter to me. We used to joke that our Superintendent of Schools used to wake up, measure the snow, and say “only a foot, the kids can make it to school.” And we did. Now living down here in “the deep south” of central Indiana, we panic at very little… people freak out on the roads. It is almost always an adventure.

I am just amazed at how often I see my grass from November to March here. I miss the sledding, the building of snowmen, and of course the classic snowball fights. Of course as a young man we would also pelt cars with snowballs and do donuts in our own cars, but I have to confess I have reformed……I only consider those things now and realize that they could result in some sort of news story, such as “Priest Pelts Peugeot,” or “Clergy Doughnuts Attract Police.” Neither of course would please the bishop, or worse yet, my wife.

So tomorrow I will just shovel the drive as I have my entire life and resist the urge to gravitate towards mischief. It will be good for my exercise portion of the day, but mental exercise in restraint. Keep me in your prayers and keep your phone lines clear…….I love snow, and I just might need bail money!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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