Taking advantage of staying level….. (still 227)

I took the time to cheat a little today, as I was out shoveling snow all evening with my assistant Viper (in the second picture). Not that it is that much snow, (I would guess 6 or so inches) but in reality I am not 15 any more. This would have been a normal “work day” for me as a kid. We made a lot of money shoveling snow before the days of snow-blowers. And we would go from house to house doing many. But it is now a necessity…..and I try to do it by myself (with the dog) because I enjoy it. It is somewhat nostalgic for me.

So needless to say, I was appalled when I got home from Amanda and I taking Ben to the doctor (he has a fever and an ear infection) to find that she had shoveled the first time. She met me at the doctor, and she then took Ben home while I went to get his prescription. Certainly I should not complain. I have done it twice since then, and I may do it one more time before bed. But I really consider it my job, and don’t want people to think it isn’t! (Plus…..she is from Kansas, not the north. I should handle the snow and she can do the tornadoes)

I am anticipating a slight upswing in my weight tomorrow and will not worry about it at all. I weigh myself in the mornings right after I get up. As long as the scale does not break I will not fret. I do however, hope to break under 225 by Monday morning. But at my age, and with all the shoveling, maybe I should shoot for something a little more bold….like 185!

A guy can dream, can’t he? And I will….right after going out to shovel one more time.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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