Texas Detox………

Although Ben is still not feeling his best, he seems to be showing a lot of concern for me. As I picked him up from the sitter after not seeing him for three full days he excitedly shouted, “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” And when I lifted him into my arms and looked at him he just smiled and asked, “Where’s Mommy?” So much for my 5 seconds of endearment!

But things went well. We had a marvelous time together and clearly as you can see from the picture by his choice of sleeping attire, that he clearly was worried about my abrupt departure from Texas. The intentional selections of dinosaur pajamas (since most dinosaurs are from Texas because everything is big there), combined with his cowboy boots and Sheriff Woody, clearly show his concern that I might get the bends or Delirium Tremens from not detoxing from the Lone Star state properly.

In truth however, I am immune. I have so much Indiana running through my blood that even when I travel my mind drifts to the many farms that decorate our state as well as the cows that populate a good portion of them. In fact, when I was a kid, we used to use them to tell the weather. Now a days things are more modern…..here by necessity. When people could see how well cows could predict weather, many were elected to our state legislature where they serve until this day. Perhaps we should call us the Mooooser State.

All I can say is that I am happy to be home. God has blessed me with a great life, but I enjoy it most here. Enjoy!

Goodnight and God Bless!


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