Celebrating, but I do not remember what…… (223.8)

Tonight Ben and Amanda and I went out for a celebration, but sadly I am not sure for what. I know she told us, but I suppose I was expecting Ben to remember. And, there are so few pictures of Ben and I together that I figured it was a good way to get them on my blog.

To be real honest, I am not sure how I even made it through the day. I worked all day and finished the afternoon with a lacrosse game which the girls handled mightily. But after I came home I was exhausted. At the restaurant Ben wanted to sit in a booster chair rather than a high chair, and in the midst of the chaos I remember more than once wondering how I got there. I really did think I would be in bed by then.

But in the end it was a wonderful night. Scott was working and Stephanie went to the sectionals for basketball, so it was a relatively cheap date too! I am just glad to be back on track and in bed for the night! So with that, I will sign off!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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