Possibly “weighting” on the scale and posting…… (223.4)

I am heading out of town in the morning to a meeting of the 30 or so other guys who do what I do around the country. We are meeting in Arkansas, where I do have family, but where I have never been. We are staying however in a retreat center, and though I have staying in a ton of them over the course of my ministry I can say I cannot promise that they will have Internet so I can post, nor can I promise they have a scale so I can weigh in. I guess we will all know tomorrow night.

But today was a productive day! I got A LOT of work done in preparation for being away (I will be gone until Wednesday night) and the big project was for me and the cat….I repaired ALL the screens on the back porch! Today it was 50 and had I a bottle of wine, the cat and I would have returned to our posting routine out there. I know we will both enjoy it, but after finishing I was just too beat to take a shower just to get a bottle of wine, and the cat quite honestly can’t drive. So all this is to say, I am posting from my bed inside the house.

Everyone is gone too…..the teenagers have social lives and Ben and Amanda are at the Children’s Museum for some sort of event. So I will be able to get a little rest while things are quiet.

I do hope and pray I can stay in touch while I am away, but if you are a regular reader you certainly should be able to tell. And please pray for me as I travel….the last trip was a bit too much. I am hoping tomorrow is a much easier day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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