Down in the dumps? No, not really…..

With lacrosse season kicking off, I get to see all of Stephanie’s games since I am the coach, but very few of Scott’s. I was able to see him play last night, but I will miss tomorrow and many of his others because of my schedule. It makes me sad sometimes. Ideally you would love to be at everything for all your kids, but I can only do my best. At just three months shy of 49 today, I can say without hesitation, it will be easier with Ben. Someone will just come up to me at the nursing home and tell me over my pureed dinner how I enjoyed the game, to which I will probably reply, “Ben who?” No no no….I will be there for games even then, and by that time games of grandchildren as well.

But today is really a day for celebration as well. This afternoon we were able to tour a church in downtown Indianapolis that I think we may be able to plant a new congregation in! It was a pretty exciting time today! The people we spoke to were so very wonderful, and we just pray that it will all work out. We have yet to plant a church inside Indianapolis proper, just all around it. This would be a major thing for us all!

But as for us tonight, I think I will sing a few upbeat songs to the dog and move him away from the dump truck. It was a great photo op, but Goldens are supposed to be happy, and he needs to be. I will sing his favorite song which is a remake of “How much is that doggy in the window?” It is called, “How much is that kitty in the window? Oh wait, who cares!” It was recorded my Shaggy and the Milkbones in the late 1970’s. He loves it, and who am I to deny him? So it’s off to sing!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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