How to train your dragon and/or toddler………

Tonight, for our last “boy’s night out” before the girls get home, we decided to either go ice skating again or take Ben to his first real movie……..we decided upon the latter. Not much for kids was playing, so our best bet was the new picture called “How to Train Your Dragon.”

I RARELY go to movies, and only a couple of times before with a toddler, because toddlers in my experience are often like Notre Dame football… never know what you are going to get on any given day. What made Scott and I quite pleased that out of the roughly 90 or so people in the theater, about a third were young kids. This really did look to be a win for both of us!

And if you read this blog at all, you know that I am not just a coach and former athlete, but that I have a highly competitive spirit……I like to come in #1. But coming in #1 for the most disruptive toddler was a trophy neither Scott or I intended to, or was trying to, win. Ben however apparently was….and did, not in a real bad way, it was just stressful to me. In the end though it was a success, and the dragon AND Ben all fared well.

Tomorrow will be filled with lacrosse and the preparation of the arrival of the ladies. Not that it will matter that Scott and I are here. Women still apparently like the bad boys, the James Dean types, the rebels… know, the ones that fight you for your soda and popcorn in the crowded movie theater.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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