Go fly a kite…..a cool Spiderman one!

Yes, with new Spiderman shoes, and a Spiderman shirt, Ben went out today to fly his new Spiderman kite. He broke his Buzz Lightyear inflatable kite, but we did get our dollar’s worth. And the nice thing about kids’ kites are that they are cheap. We now have the new Spidey kite with two additional backups and are out just $3.00!

It is SO WORTH IT though. He cannot get the kite airborne by himself, but once it is up he thinks he is the real deal just holding the string. Sadly he is infected by a bit of “kite-incompetence” because every time it starts to stall out and come down he rushes towards it, which of course is the exact opposite of what he should do. So someone always has to run towards him to grab the string to help, of course causing him to run toward it all the more.

The real blessing though is the joy of a 34 month-old child while flying a kite. He smiles and laughs, and tells us every moment just where his kite is……up about 50 feet right over his head. I think we could learn a lot from him. Our world would be a much different place if we were as happy about such a simple pleasure as to just fly a kite.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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