For the love of the game…..

I love sports, I really do. And now that I am no longer the athlete, I absolutely love the opportunity I have to be a coach. It is not quite the competitive battle it once was, and I never hear my name over the stadium PA, but I love the competition and the opportunity we have each day to make better for ourselves.

Tonight we played Westfield High School, who we handled without a lot of trouble. Westfield is not just our neighbor though, they are friends in the same region with a great coach and a marvelous bunch of girls. We love playing them, because they are a great team and just good people. They lost to us tonight, and for that tonight we are thankful, but that will not always be the case. Teams come and go, and someone having an off or on night can make a world of difference. Roger Bradley, their coach, has taught me a lot about lacrosse. Those girls are blessed to have him. Our lofty plans for a Hamilton County Team would be awesome. I cannot imagine exposing our girls to his coaching skills!

Anyway, tomorrow is another JV game and then Thursday another regional rival in Hamilton Southeastern. It seems intense, but it goes by so quickly. It does however, make a difference.

I am so blessed to be among some talented athletes, and to have such a wonderful coaching staff. We are well on our way. We want more this year than just the Final Four like last year. I believe with a real dedicated push we may be able to make a run at the title.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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