A day from hell………at least lacrosse-wise…..

Today, the day after prom, we went u to Culver Academy to play the undefeated Culver Eagles…..who incidentally remained undefeated all day. It was a day that we just did not have it, and although we could hardly get a call going our way, in sports that really doesn’t matter…..you play the hand you are dealt. And we were dealt a loss.

We entered the game 4th in the state, and have been going up and down all week as games are reported. The number one team we lost to earlier by just 1 goal, our only loss up till today, and to be honest I was certain we had a pretty good chance. We immediately went up by two, but began to fall apart as son as they started scoring. And nothing bothers a coach more than a team that panics when another team starts gaining.

Sadly, we didn’t seem to recover from that first loss and then got clocked by the #9 team (at least this morning #9) It was a bad day, and really not reflective of the team we can be. Our ranking will drop drastically tomorrow and though it will be hard to swallow, it reflects where we should be. You earn your right to the top, it is not handed to you. And starting the day at #4 means nothing if you do not play well enough to back it up.

Of course the team will be out on the field on Monday afternoon with Coach Gunter and she will drill them on the fundamentals we seemed to lack today. (I will be in Chicago) But even though we played below our level today, we will have quite a few chances to make up for it in the weeks to come. We have beaten two of our three regional rivals, and if we can beat the other two we can claim the top seed in the Regional. We are the defending regional champs, which of course means nothing unless you win, but I believe wholeheartedly that we will be again too. It will require some digging in though.

Anyway, I have to get ready for tomorrow. It will be a long day, but there will be no games! I need a break from the day.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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