Moses, where art thou???

We have been having trouble with our landlord and facility in Westfield (St. Patrick’s) since we rented this facility about a year and a half ago. Like many things in life, we were treated like princes until we signed, and now it is as if we are imposing if we just ask for something that we should expect….like this week, that the back half of the facility would not be flooded with water for the leaking dishwasher at the restaurant next door.

Of course when we talked to the restaurant last week and they told us about the dishwasher, we had already called and notified our landlord via voicemail and email. I was at the church twice on Saturday to vacuum up water (disgusting) and did it every day I was in town too. We emailed and called and finally heard from him….he was out of the country and emailed us to let us know that we should deal with it. Of course we were dealing with it. A dinner and service on Sunday were ruined. And hiring a contractor for someone else to deal with a problem that really was in another tenant’s business seemed seedy. First of all, we do not have the money to hire someone. Second, no one is going to do work with the promise that someone else will pay that they cannot talk to. And three, our history here is that we really cannot count on things to be as promised. Oh sure, our rent is always collected, but the place smelled like sewer gas for about 9 months. It still occasionally does. And the list of unanswered complaints is long. For instance, the handicap ramp has NEVER been fixed. It is a violation of law. Yet, complaints even like this fall on deaf ears.

We rent in a lot of places and have great relationships with all our landlords, but this one is putting our congregation here at risk. We have lost a lot of people because of this place and it is certainly not helping us to attract more. PLEASE KEEP ST. PATRICK’S IN YOUR PRAYERS. What we needed this week was MOSES to turn the wet into dry!!! Unfortunately we didn’t get any help from him, which is not new to us…..we don’t hear anything helpful from our landlord either.

I went next door to the restaurant tonight and talked with them again. They now act like they do not know anything about the leaky dishwasher they told us that was leaking on Sunday. It will be the last time I go in there, which is sad because it is my favorite. I did ask them if they heard from our landlord, and they said no… he, even by email or phone did nothing to get this resolved. So Deacon PT and I moved chairs and Altar stuff to my house so we will jam everyone in here in the morning. We will be tight, very tight, but we will be able to have church AND the dinner. It may not be as roomy but it doesn’t smell like wet drywall and old water….and it is dry. The health department and building inspector will be notified and will invited for a visit. It should never EVER have to come to this, because we liked it there…..but worshipping in a swamp is only suitable for frogs!

Please add this to your prayers! Regardless of its outcome, this has damaged our ministry here. Please pray for it to heal and regenerate.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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