Working to get the girl…………

Okay, granted, instead of trying to look through all my photos on my backup drive, I found the fist one that made me both laugh and smile and used it. I only hope when she sees it she will do the same. I believe she should, as she is the one who sent it to me.

But yes, this is my wife as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.  It was part of a video her team filmed as a fundraiser this year. (they won!) But as I am still buried in work, I thought this was the best solution. Plus, it is pretty clear to me that in two weeks, after I meet all the deadlines I am working toward, I will need to allow Apple to keep my month old Mac and fix it right. It is clearly not working, and I am not going to pull all my files back over from my back up only to have them erased when they have to reinstall everything again after fixing it. So this is also to say (“warn” is implied) that I will probably be using old pictures I find or new ones I take until this Mac-mess (as opposed to anything from McDonalds, which would be a McMess) is over.

So I apologize for the picture, but she is kind of cute. When I look at her, even not as Dorothy, I am reminded how others must view us, somewhat I’d imagine in a “Beauty and the Beast” sort of way. Yes, she is tall, young, smart, beautiful, and has a great heart.  And I am, of course, just me. And if I think about it, not even really me, but a constantly being rebuilt me.

Today I am walking, and my knee is stiff, but the ice helps. My knee is swollen, not due to my compliance, but to my lack of elevation and ice.  I do get to take a shower tomorrow, and that helps as I felt too much like a girl “washing off” next to the tub. But as of Monday at 10pm, I will be able to ice up and not be too worried about doing too much.  And tomorrow I can get back on the bike for some rehab. I am looking forward to it.

But in all honesty, it is kind of nice to have a swollen knee with a real excuse (surgery yesterday) rather than no excuse (just age and body abuse).  Getting older is not for the weak, and with my still pristine 12-year old mind, I think my body should still do everything.  And it will.

Because as of tomorrow, off come the bandages and into the shower I go. Then it is on with some gym shorts, a t-shirt, and some running shoes.

I intend to go after her………and her little dog too.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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