Reporting from the back porch in the dark…..

My most public apologies go out to the guys next door to St. Pat’s at the Mexican restaurant. As I was packing stuff for storage, one of them came over to let me know that they had to call a repairman themselves and have the wall ripped out in their kitchen. As it turns out, they had a leak in the pipe in their wall……not their dishwasher as they thought, and as we had been told. It WAS and IS the landlord’s problem all the time. It was fixed, and though we have LESS water in the facility, we still have water. And I still had to vacuum it up. It has stolen quite a few good days from me, but I hope and pray at this point that the end is in site. Tomorrow will tell if we really do get to terminate this lease.

But for now I am just happy to be home, with most of the property of St. Patrick’s stored safely in my garage where it cannot be damaged. We did leave the skeletal elements of a Church there, because number one, we are still the tenants of the property until the lease is terminated and two, it still is a Church until we move out of it. But the things that were left will probably not be making the trip out of there. Though we have been vacuuming up water and running the air, there is something about it that still makes you uneasy. Apparently the remediation company wants his signature before doing any work, and they cannot get it till he is there. As for me, I just want to protect our interests.

I will be happy when this is over, but the larger question still looms…..where will this congregation go? There is not a lot of property available in our price range and meeting at my house each week with a larger group I am certain violates something that will get us in trouble. So please keep that in your prayers. I appreciate them so very much!

So it is now off to bed for me. The next few days will be busy ones, but for now I will just say farewell to this one! One step at a time!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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