Senior Night…….not what you might think…..

Tonight was “Senior Night” at Hare Chevrolet Field where our Noblesville Lady Millers took on the Carmel Greyhounds, the winner capturing the top seed in the Regional Tournament that begins next week. It is always a fun time to play Carmel, and the other teams in our region. Many of the girls play on tourney teams together, and some even practice with each other. The nice thing is that the coaches and the girls are competitive, but are all friends.

This game was a lot of fun too, but probably a little more fun for us, since we were able to win it 14-12. These two teams often go back and forth, and are seeded to meet in a rematch next Saturday for a trip to the Final Four. And though we hope to win, there isn’t a team in our region we wouldn’t cheer for to make it all the way if we don’t. It is a great group of players and coaches. We will do our best to be that top team!

But tonight was “Senior Night,” the night we honor our graduating players after the game. My daughter Stephanie joined Celeste Bremmer, Maddi Corry, Bri Handy, Alyssa Jarvis, Katie Sherrill, and Nikki Tombers in playing in the last regular season game of their high school careers. It was a proud moment for me to walk Stephanie through the gauntlet of younger players and alumni. She is a wonderful daughter, a great player, and along with the others graduating, will leave a vacuum of talent and personalities that will be hard to replace. I asked them to all go an extra year of high school, but they all selfishly said no. It was a fun night that I will always remember……a real blessing.

But for now I need to scramble, I mean get ready for, Mother’s Day. It is a big day for her, and we want to make it special.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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