Clarity through the chaos……

I swear, sometimes it seems as if we try to not win games. And though I know that was not the case tonight, to the casual observer it probably looked like we were throwing it. But in the end, we prevailed 13-11 and are heading to the Regional Final. Good thing too, since we are the number one seed. My hat (if I ever would wear one) goes off to the Hamilton Southeastern Bulldogs and their Head Coach Ashley Grant. They gave us a ride and it was quite impressive. Ashley is a fine coach of some great kids/players. It was a well fought battle. All and all it was a great night.

And though I never had my doubts (we were tied 6-6 at the half) I am certain our players did. As a former athlete, I know how hard it can be to see through chaotic play, especially when you are in the thick of it. Oh if I knew then what I do now. I would have trusted my coaches more. They have a vision that I didn’t. We will work on that Monday too!

But for now I am out on the porch typing away. I still have no sermon and have a lot still to move to the Church….it will probably take place in the morning. But it is a lot less cloudy in life at 10:17! I just hope and pray my players will put this behind them!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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