The last one……..

Well, I gave my daughter for the last time as a high school student. She graduates next Friday night and to be honest, it felt pretty weird. I guess I just need to resolve myself to the fact that I am going to have a lot of these moments over the next few months. Because I just had another….this blog is now the first blog after the last time that I gave my daughter communion as a high school student. Dear Lord, it is a vicious cycle!

But all and all I am having a lot of fun. There is a lot of excitement in the air, and I am happy for Stephanie and all her friends. They are a remarkable group of kids who have been a blessing to know. I am going to enjoy the summer with them around.

But of course we have a lot to do over these next few weeks, and without the lacrosse season being my excuse for being too busy, I am clearly available for the list of chores my wife has in store for us before the graduation and open house. I will gladly do them too.

But for now I will call this day over. I have been given “landscape” tasks for my day tomorrow. I am praying for a nice cool day too. Regardless, I will get it done. I have posted tonight’s picture of me mowing. These are very important times for our family, and I want to do my part to make it nice!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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