Twins,,,,,but in beds only…….

Today we finally replaced Stephanie’s loft bed (it is amazing AND FOR SALE) with BUNK BEDS that separate into two very nice twin beds. Stephanie of course got one, and then Ben the other. But both of them are excited about their new sleeping arrangements.

Of course Ben will probably not ever even sleep in his new bed until late June when we return from Disney. It will be our last family vacation together and there is a lot to do in preparation for it too. But Amanda wanted to be sure to decorate his room and bed with an appropriate super hero so that he will sleep there. Steph needs no such nonsense. She for close to 10 years has climbed a ladder and the last six months with a bum leg. I have not seen her so happy in years! She would be fine with a used horse blanket as long as she didn’t have to climb.

But at a quarter till 12 Steph is asleep in her room and Ben is awaiting my arrival in my bed! It is not quite fair but a move in the right direction. Steph graduates tomorrow and deserves a good night’s sleep. Ben will graduate long after I am dead and deserves me waking him up when I head to bed!

God is good, and it has been a great day! Thanks to Deacon Morgan for driving me to Kokomo to get the beds!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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