A day at the beach…..almost!

Yep, today in the midst of all the stuff I have had to do, I managed to sneak over to the Wal-Mart and pick up the plastic pool big enough for Ben, his brother, and the dog. Only Ben tried it out, and was VERY HAPPY to do so. And even though I am a northerner, I am convinced he is part polar bear because he went right in after I filled it with the hose and it was COLD. Little kids brains are clearly not developed.

But I knew this would happen. As I was waiting in line with the pool at the checkout, the lady in front of me who was a grandmother buying the same pool for her 4 year old granddaughter asked me how long she should let the water warm up before letting her in. Of course I answered I didn’t know. I am the father of an almost 3 year old polar bear, I mean boy, who couldn’t care less as long as he was in the water. I will say however that I am convinced it is genetic, for though my sister Stephanie and I had brains, my sister Sarah could not stay out of ANY water if you could see it. Her nickname was “Fish,” and God rest her soul. I do hope there is a pool in heaven (and margaritas) or she will be raising a bit of hell. Our other sister, Steph, is also there but is probably much more compliant as long as there is some sort of gymnastics facility. But I digress…..

Anyway, I was headed off to the hospital for the hard part of the evening, which was getting him out of the pool……I am sorry I missed it. It must have been intense, because when I got home at 9:30 the polar bear and his mom were already asleep in my bed. Fighting polar bears wears you out.

But the good part is that the beach is open and he loves it. Today it was a beach on the northern peninsula, but in time it will feel more like a beach in the tropics, (except for the Golden Retriever in the water). We are just glad summer is here!

Off to bed for me! I am heading to visit the good people of St. Matthew’s Nashville in the morning!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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