WHO? Mike T!

Yep, tonight we played in the 2nd Annual Michael Treinen Memorial Alumni Games at Hare Field. It was a marvelous night for lacrosse and for a good cause too. The money that was raised will go back to the Michael Treinen Foundation to continue their legacy of good work for cancer research and victims families.

But tonight was also a time to remember Mike. I met him on that very same field just over two years ago where as a young man undergoing chemotherapy to battle cancer once again, he stepped in to be my assistant after a stroke sent me to the hospital. I had yet to coach a game as head coach, he had the victory a few days earlier with Coach Mac already under his belt. We met out on the big “N” of the field for the first time.

In the short few months I knew him before his death, Michael came to mean more to me and my team than I could ever express. I was a hockey player and had only studied lacrosse. He was both a hockey and lacrosse player. We spoke the same language. I had never seen him play, but I could see him coach daily. He had a gift, not only in leading the girls, but in leading others in life. It was a pretty amazing couple of months.

His jersey that was retired last year at the 1st Annual Alumni Games was looking for a home and it got one this evening. Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear, who is a real quality guy, asked to display the jersey in its case in City Hall. You see, Michael did more than make his mark upon the lacrosse community, it was really upon the entire city. He was one amazing guy.

And tonight in the women’s game I was one of the refs, along with my son Scott. One difference between the women’s and men’s alumni games is that our game is the high school team verses ALL graduates, including the ones who graduated this year. The men’s game splits up alumni on both teams and puts a few high school players on each squad.

Why that is significant is that as I was huffing and puffing my way up and down the field I thought of Michael. He used to analyze things all the time and look at ways we could get better. I was struck at how it was our next year’s team out there against a team stacked with All State and college players, and how I’d just bet Michael was looking down from heaven thinking the same things. We got beat 11-5, though we were missing a few major players, but wow was I encouraged. I just knew Michael was thinking, just like I was, how we were going to move this team of raw talent into the new year. I just now need him to tell me!

My brother, I miss you, and want you to know what you did for me and for the girls I will spend a lifetime remembering and giving back because of. We still wear our orange everyday, and as long as I am the coach, we always will. God bless you my friend, you are coaching us still!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless! And if you feel compelled, go make a donation at

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