Missing Buzz….

I suppose when you are just shy of 3, and just had met the very real Buzz Lightyear in person, you might, upon your return to Indiana, be experiencing some sort of withdrawal. So I am not surprised by Ben’s behavior. He sees his Disney stuff in a new way. He stares at it, and you can just tell he is remembering. There is always a smile on his face, but though his body is here, his mind is elsewhere……he is missing it, and we can tell.

I am glad though that he had the experience. He is such a happy little guy, and he was just so over-the-top with happiness when we were there. I am sure it will not be his last trip, but right now the world of fantasy and reality is blurred…..just like me and my athletic career. I am just glad his memories of all of it are more accurate and realistic than mine!
So for not it is off to bed to dream of a trip just past. He got to meet all his heroes in person, and I hope he dreams about them all. I am so glad he had the opportunity.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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