Living in the post-secretarial age…..

Our modern church world is filled with new lingo that we didn’t have when I was a kid. Back in the Dark Ages we had terms like “Altar” and “pew” and “Holy Mysteries” and “Sacraments.” But now I guess I am a dinosaur because we have words like “emerging” and “post-modern” and a “host” of others (not “heavenly host” because I would actually understand that) all of which I have trouble understanding.

I suppose I deserve it. I remember when I was a young buck, and was riding that cutting edge, and had that sharp disposition. Of course now I am 49, ordained over 20 years, and my priorities have really changed. My faith and my understanding of it have simplified. Perhaps it is due to my diminishing capacities, but I have my doubts about that. I think at the beginning I was too smart for my own good, and that faith is far more simplistic than the current terms or theories.
And than God for that, because it really needs to relate to us in our lives. It is not meant to be some theoretical or intellectual exercise. It is experiential and personal. And for me, praise God, simplistic.
Fortunately for me, I hang with a 2 year old and 364 day old kid most of the time who really doesn’t care about the latest thing I have read as long as I will play. And for me, that it more than fine. I have spent most of the day doing just that too…..playing, while finishing and printing ordination bulletins and my sermon for Friday. And it has been a productive day too. When I had a secretary we never played “monsters,” but today we did and I got a lot done. Who’da thunk I could do so much in this “post-secretarial” age?
And I was going to post a picture of a secretary, but an image search produced much less than the “G” rated results I was expecting. I guess that makes my point….I am out of touch. Enjoy this sexy copy machine instead!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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