Happy Birthday Ben!

Today, three years ago, our lives changed forever, and most of the time we feel that it is for the better, although the pudding in the hair part I was not totally convinced about. Yes, today is Ben’s birthday, and we celebrated with a nice little party/cookout and of course CAKE!

He has been so funny too. His good buddy Celeste, who is off to IU in the fall, got him the biggest bag of M&M’s I have ever seen and he pathetically followed people around trying to convince them to open it (No, we are not cold-hearted. It’s just that he already had a regular bag opened when he got the BIG BAG and abandoned what he felt now was a worthless small one) He is a big fan of M&M’s and Celeste too! (Yes, meaning Ben is a big fan of Celeste, not Celeste loves M&M’s. Celeste is like a daughter to us and we would do anything for her, but her candy needs we do not feel are our business.) But I digress….
Anyway, it was a wonderful birthday and the picture is of Ben and Amanda, with Ben wearing his new Ironman boots. He has never seen Ironman, but he has an Ironman action figure and often thinks he is Ironman himself. Years from now he will probably be crushed to learn that Ironman really never wore Ironman rain boots, and if he ever did, it probably would not be every waking moment of the day. But we are in Ben’s world, and those are the rules.
And to tell you the truth……we really love it here.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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