I cannot bear to watch!!!

Thankfully, June is over for the Tirman family, meaning the birthday celebrations are all over too. The cake is gone, the cookouts (at least the required ones) are finished, and we can get back to normal lives (and sizes) soon.

Okay, Ben doesn’t really turn his head when he looks at me. He actually just was hiding from me taking his picture. He is normally such a ham that when they x-ray him they can see the spirals, but tonight it was “no way.” I didn’t mind though….it was really more of a game, and it was kind of fun.
Tomorrow will be a very busy day, culminating with the ordinations of PT and Dan to the priesthood at 7pm in Anderson. After they are over, I intend to take a deep breath and relax…..at least until Saturday morning. I intend to post a picture of me with them in tomorrow night’s blog too. I just can’t wait.
But for now I have to go to bed. I have gotten a bit foggy over the past hour or so after a couple of what I would consider pretty sharp days. I need to be sharp for tomorrow too.
So off to sleep I go. Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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