Yeah Baby……..

Though it truly seems as if it has taken too long, I am happy to post the evidence that Ben is now sleeping in his own bed for naps. I know we were wondering if he would ever take to it, but it was really far more simple than I thought. I put him in it and I told him to stay there. This has now worked two days in a row. Hopefully this strategy will also work tonight. When this issue is behind us we will then begin to push the potty training once again.
All this is a welcome relief on a stressful day. My dad and his wife Debby are in England and I received word this morning from Debby that dad had been hospitalized with abdominal pain. She said they anticipate him doing well and being released on Monday. I tried calling, which was an adventure in itself since I had never placed an international call before and Amanda, who has, was not home. But after finally figuring it out and getting as far as the nurse’s station, I was told his room phone did not accept international calls and that he was sleeping. I will try again tomorrow.
But for now all I can do is rejoice that Spiderman is now taking to his web, I mean Spiderman bed. He looks so small in a twin, but I remember that about Scott too. And of course Scott now looks small in a king. But Ben is making it all an adventure. He, like all the kids, are a real blessing to us. Scott is on a mission trip for a week and Steph is camping with her friends. Ben in his bed is going to have to do for my cool dad stories for the weekend.
Off to watch him in his pool!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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