The Small Stuff…

I know the expression, “Don’t sweat the small stuff,” and I even think I own a book by that name, but often when we do not sweat the small stuff we lose sight of it.

I have been dedicating parts of the last few weeks to think about small things that I have set aside, but not quite yet forgotten, in the hopes that I might get a few things done.
Actually, there is often great value in doing the small stuff too. Sure, not getting it done is never earth-shattering, but I have really had some fun doing it…..particularly today.
You see, in our ministry we make just about everything because buying it is just too expensive. So today I decided to do a few projects. It’s good for me to do too, especially since ministry often has no tangible result. So today I made a sign.
Sure, you may not think that is that big a thing, but for about $30 I saved us at least $100. It doesn’t look marvelous, but you can see it from the road, and it is certainly as nice as many of them that it hangs with. I also began painting the mailbox at St. Patrick’s that I hope to have done tomorrow, and if all goes well I may just try to unify all of Christendom sometime tomorrow afternoon….but for now it’s just the small stuff.
It has been a great day but I am glad that it is over. Tomorrow is a busy one, but I am looking forward to it. I have a great life and it is filled with so many blessings!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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