A foot on the head is worth 30 lunches to someone…..

Today has been a miserable day in terms of getting my head together. Sometimes I just struggle, and today was a real struggle all day. It is now almost 11pm, I have no sermon yet for tomorrow, I am exhausted, and my first service is in a little more than 9 hours. Of course I am confident I will do fine, but the stress is always more of a bother when I am in it.

But there are a few highlights to the day. Steph is doing remarkable….she told me she intends to eat macaroni and cheese tomorrow and that she is sick of ice cream. And Scott came home from work and headed to the store with Amanda…..why???? He did it so that he and a few of his friends could head into Indianapolis tomorrow to hand out lunches and care packages they are making tonight to people who could use them there.
So as for me, I am calling it a night. In times like these sleep is what I need, but I have the feeling I will not be sleeping well. I am going to give it a try though.
I do hope and pray your day was a blessing to you. Ben has snuck into my bed as I am typing and has set his foot upon my head. I am not going to move him, because I needed that. It is a big distraction to a difficult day, and a foot on my head is something that I find a blessing to have to handle!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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