It’s just because she cares…….

I suppose I should not get my feelings hurt. On my birthday Amanda did give me $5.00 in McDonald’s gift certificates and told me to enjoy myself. But tonight was one of her good buddies’ birthday and she disappeared to head to the Kroger and then upon her return created a masterpiece. She is such a strange contrast in terms of a woman. Clearly with such dedication and talent you would think she would have married better.

But who am I to cry over her mistakes? I just need to enjoy them. And in truth I do. There was a LOT of fruit left over which I helped myself to. And in terms of the relationship, well everybody when they look at us thinks I did better than her I am sure! The Lord works in mysterious ways and this has been both mysterious and beneficial!
And it was great to see her in a good mood too, because I was in trouble. I spent the first part of the day at home catching up on work and cleaning the house. Amanda’s stitches come out tomorrow, so she will be more able to help then.
But at about 1:30 I thought it would be a good idea to get a little exercise, so I pumped up the tires on my bike and packed up and went on a ride. It seemed pretty easy at the start. I have a mountain bike, not a 10 speed, and it takes longer to get places, but I was feeling pretty good as I got to the Monon (already just shy of 8 miles to get there) and then rode to Broadripple from there. I decided to ride my age, which I also decided should have been 20, but settled for 35 by the time I arrived home. My legs hurt, my water was gone, and I was seeing flying monkeys, dead relatives, and sadly none of them would give me a ride. But I made it home, a bit worse for the wear, but safe.
What I did not know was how very mad she would be about this. Apparently there were warnings not to be out in the heat since it was in the mid-90’s. And since I am a person who has had a stroke, all my risk categories are slanted in the wrong. (along in her mind apparently with my judgement) But in truth, I actually went because I do not want to die (at least not right now) and I really want to be in great shape. 35 miles, though I admit a bit beyond where I should have been, was good to accomplish for me because I still profess to be a monster underneath my middle-age exterior. That athlete is still in there, and personally I just needed to know. Sadly for me, even though the ride did not kill me, I was not too sure she wouldn’t. But thank God for insurance! Homicide nullifies our policy, whereas me dropping in the heat does not.
I clearly need to think about all this. Sure, the McDonald’s verses the tropical sculpture runs through my mind, but I probably ought to just come to grips with the fact that she loves me and really does care.
But who wouldn’t? After all, I can ride 35 miles in 230 degree heat!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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