I am tired……I am Batman!

As I pulled into the house tonight after driving just under 1000 miles within the last 48 hours (including moving Steph into her dorm yesterday and some meetings out of town today) my mind drifted to the reality that I spend an awful lot of time in my car. Not the kind of time the Bishop does who travels just over 400 days in every calendar year (yes, that’s a joke……everyone knows that he travels a lot more than that) but I indeed drive a lot.

So tonight I was thinking about what kind of car I want next and why. I currently drive a 2003 VW Passat, which is a comfortable car that gets pretty good gas mileage. But the Passat, though it has some nice features, is really missing a few important things I would like to have in a car.
1) The first is a bed. Though I am a good driver and a cautious and responsible driver, a bed would be a great feature. I would save on hotels and be much more alert at meetings.
2) A driver. Obviously if I am going to sleep in the car it would be best if I did so when not doing something important…..like driving. It is all about productivity with me, and having a driver would also stimulate the economy.
3) A cool style (like the Batmobile) As Rick Warren says, it’s not about you, and having a Batmobile would not be about me at all. It would attract a lot of attention which would allow me to talk to people about what life IS about. I have not yet worked this all out, but superhero evangelism may be just what we need to attract those elusive 18-34 stereotypical males to church.
4) A great Internet and phone set up. Anyone that drives at all will tell you the best way to lose a phone signal is to just have the feeling you want to make a call, you don’t even have to make it. But it is so 1990’s to not be fully wired!
And finally, but not a feature of the car, 5) a wife that will agree that all of this is a great idea. But I am really doubtful of my chances……..she hasn’t even opened that Robin costume I bought her two years ago on our anniversary.
Oh well……the VW is really not all that bad.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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