What I’ve got I want no cure for……….

When I am away from home for a few days there is always some catching up I need to do, and today was no exception. I already had a list of things that I was to work on today, but by the time I was thinking about it I had already accomplished all the things I had forgotten that should have been on that list anyway. So this is to say I am looking at this list now for tomorrow!

But in all honesty, I get distracted and get distracted easily. When I was a kid they didn’t talk about things like ADD, but had they, I am certain I would have been their poster child. And sure, I suppose I could pay all that money to be tested (and for Scott and Ben too) but what an unbelievable waste of resources that would be. I can accomplish a lot already despite the distractions, and really being that focused would mean too much work……..I mean it would stifle my creativity.
So when I was working and saw Ben flat on the floor underneath the kitchen table I was truly intrigued. Not that I didn’t want to work anymore, but I was utterly fascinated at why anyone would camp out there other than on the couch (davenport where I grew up). So because I was so busy and so focused I got down there myself to see what all the rage was, and honestly I found it pretty pleasant. Ben was excited to see me too and as you can see, he posed for a few pictures.
So my catching up is postponed and I will spend the next hour or so trying to remember what I was going to do. And hopefully by then I will be too tired to do it.
Thank you Lord that I am not overly focused! Tonight I thank you for that ADD, the FBI, the CIA, NRA, NHL, NFL, MLB, my DOG and my BED. I will head there right after I wake up my SON on the kitchen floor.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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