In a Fort Wayne state of mind…..

Well…..I just want to begin this blog by saying we are currently in Fort Wayne, Indiana for the HONA Reunion. And if you happen to be monitoring this on a site like “Rob my house” or something ridiculous like that, please know that we always have someone at our house when we travel or are scheduled away…..PLUS…we have nothing worth stealing anyway. (although you are free to take any of my teenagers ridiculously bad music CD’s).

BUT……I need to first send a big shout out to some of my friends in Michigan and CANADA! I have heard some of them read this blog, so my picture is of a (couple of) mittens for Michigan (Michigan and anti-Michigan) and a blanket for Canada (which is in all reality America’s hat) (don’t worry I can say that because I am more than just a part Canadian….my grandma was a full-blood….eh eh eh) and the socks, (since they came with the picture) must represent Central or South America (perhaps both since there are two) but I have no heritage from there. But as always…..I digress.
The reunion I am attending is a gathering of our church, but JUST the geographic regions that my Bishop represents…..close to 67 states! It has been a real treat though, because it is a gathering of some of the finest people I know. After close to 25 years in ministry (though it seems much longer) I have to confess that this has been clearly the most rewarding thing I have been a part of. And really, that is more impressive than I can express with words. As most guys my age are doing battle with mid-life crisis, I am engaging in the most rewarding work of my life with some of the finest people.
So off to bed I go with a big GO CANADA for my maternal homeland and nothing at all for Michigan since I am still bitter about MU beating Notre Dame last weekend (it angered God too)….but I will hopefully get to forgiveness. I am having a great time and Viper is sleeping with his beloved Molly as I speak.
Life is good for all of us, and we are surrounded by many blessings. Tomorrow should be a great day, and if all goes well, Michigan State fans will see their team roll over on Saturday and help to ease my pain!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless from a hotel just a mile from Johnny Appleseed’s final resting place!


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